National Grange Convention Opened Tuesday, November 9, 201 at 2:00 p.m. at the Hilton University in Charlotte, N.C. Newly elected PA State Grange President Carl Meiss and past President Betsy Huber are representing PA Grangers as their delegates.
Tuesday morning began with a tour for the delegates to the Rev. Billy Graham Library, a very interesting and moving experience. Opening was at 2:00 and at 2:30 the National Master Ed Luttrell gave his address followed by his internal report. Committees then began their reports and business was begun on resolutions from all the State Granges.
Wednesday morning began promptly at 8:00 a.m. with a "Salute to Agriculture" breakfast with Johnny Wynne, Dean of NC State College of Agriculture. Session then opened at 10:30 with more work on resolutions. "E-Membership" was approved and should go on line at very shorty. Luncheon speaker, Kathleen Franco, Executive Director, Public Policy, AT&T was very interesting..."Broadband Access for Rural America". Session re-opened at 2:30 and recessed at 4:30. The Idea Fair & Best of Show was open for touring from 4:30-5:30. Session reconvened at 7:30 with a roll call of states and all Grange members attending being recognized, then we had a fantastic Agriculture Advocate, Amanda Nolz, Contributing Editor, BEEF News, speak, followed by more business on resolutions. Session closed at 9:30.
The Youth have a Get-Acquainted Party scheduled at 9:30 p.m. Wednesday night followed by Youth Officer Practice.
Thursday Session will open at 8:30 a.m. with committee reports and work on resolutions continuing. The Youth tour to the Graham Library begins at 9:00 along with the Idea Fair and Best of Show. There will be a special service for the veterans in the morning and a memorial service for Grange members in the afternoon.
More to come...