Saturday, November 27, 2010

Great Christmas Gift Idea - 2010 PA State Grange Cookbook

Here is a great Christmas gift idea - a brand new 2010 PA State Grange Cookbook! Over 1,500 recipes from Grange members and friends throughout Pennsylvania covering Appetizers & Snacks, Beverages, Breads, Casseroles, Desserts, Diabetic & Low Calorie, Jams & Jellies, Main Dishes, Pickles, Salads, Soups & Stews, This n' That and Vegetables.

Only $18.00 plus $4.00 shipping and handling.

Buy on line at

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

PA Grange Turnout at National Grange Convention

National Grange Convention Opened Tuesday, November 9, 201 at 2:00 p.m. at the Hilton University in Charlotte, N.C. Newly elected PA State Grange President Carl Meiss and past President Betsy Huber are representing PA Grangers as their delegates.

Tuesday morning began with a tour for the delegates to the Rev. Billy Graham Library, a very interesting and moving experience. Opening was at 2:00 and at 2:30 the National Master Ed Luttrell gave his address followed by his internal report. Committees then began their reports and business was begun on resolutions from all the State Granges.

Wednesday morning began promptly at 8:00 a.m. with a "Salute to Agriculture" breakfast with Johnny Wynne, Dean of NC State College of Agriculture. Session then opened at 10:30 with more work on resolutions. "E-Membership" was approved and should go on line at very shorty. Luncheon speaker, Kathleen Franco, Executive Director, Public Policy, AT&T was very interesting..."Broadband Access for Rural America". Session re-opened at 2:30 and recessed at 4:30. The Idea Fair & Best of Show was open for touring from 4:30-5:30. Session reconvened at 7:30 with a roll call of states and all Grange members attending being recognized, then we had a fantastic Agriculture Advocate, Amanda Nolz, Contributing Editor, BEEF News, speak, followed by more business on resolutions. Session closed at 9:30.

The Youth have a Get-Acquainted Party scheduled at 9:30 p.m. Wednesday night followed by Youth Officer Practice.

Thursday Session will open at 8:30 a.m. with committee reports and work on resolutions continuing. The Youth tour to the Graham Library begins at 9:00 along with the Idea Fair and Best of Show. There will be a special service for the veterans in the morning and a memorial service for Grange members in the afternoon.

More to come...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

PA State Grange Elects New Slate of Officers

West Middlesex, PA - On Monday, October 18, 2010, PA State Grange delegates attending the 138th Annual PA State Grange Session, elected a new slate of officers for 2010-2012.

Carl Meiss was elected as the President of the PA State Grange for a two year term. Carl is a member of Valley Grange #1360 and York/Adams Pomona Grange #40 in York County. He has served the PA State Grange as its Public Relations and Membership Director as well as Editor of their newspaper, The Advocate, for the past 8 years. Carl is a retired police lieutenant from the Lower Allen Township Police Department, Cumberland County, where he served 27 years. He lives in Newberry Township, York County with his wife Judy.

Other officers elected were:

Vice President: Richard Mangel, Butler County
Program Director: Lorena Baughman, Blair County
Steward: Leonard Heim, Lehigh County
Assistant Steward: Derek Schroeder, Berks County
Lady Assistant Steward: Miranda Irons, Warren County
Chaplain: Jennifer Nauss, York County
Treasurer: Henry Seidel, Berks County
Secretary: Sandra Witmer, Lancaster County
Greeter: Andrew Kieffer, Berks County
Ceres: Marjorie Brown, Tioga County
Pomona: Ashley Bird, Centre County
Flora: Jodi Keith, Huntingdon County
Executive Committee: Nettie Kauffman, Berks County

The 138th Annual PA State Grange Session saw 218 delegates from Community and Pomona Granges and 215 guests attend. The delegates represent the nearly 260 Community Granges and 50 Pomona (County) Granges throughout the Commonwealth.

The Grange is a family, fraternal organization dedicated to the betterment of the American way of life through community service, education, legislation and fellowship. It is the oldest agricultural and rural advocacy organization in the United States. The Grange was originally formed nationally in 1867 and was chartered in Pennsylvania in 1873.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

138th Annual PA State Grange Session in West Middlesex

Lemoyne - The PA State Grange will be holding its 138th annual State Session at the Radisson Hotel, 3377 New Castle Road, West Middlesex, PA from Friday, October 15, 2010 through Monday, October 18, 2010. Butler, Crawford, Lawrence, Mercer and Venango will be this year's hosting counties.

Friday's activities will be limited to committee meetings, set up of contests and displays and rehearsals for Saturday's Opening.

The Official Opening of the 138th Annual Session is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. in the ballroom of the hotel. PA State Grange President Betsy Huber will then introduce the National Grange President Ed Luttrell and his wife Celia from Washington State, as honored guests.

Following President Luttrell's welcome, the PA State Grange will begin its business meeting. The annual State Session is attended by delegates from the nearly 260 local, Community Granges from throughout the Commonwealth. Much of the Grange business will entail discussion and voting upon 57 different resolutions proposed by members of the Community Granges. The resolutions enacted at the annual session determine the legislative policies of the PA State Grange for the coming year.

Saturday afternoon will see the Conferral of the Sixth Degree of the Grange with suggestions for officers before the meeting is closed for the day by the Youth Officers. One of the highlights of the entire weekend will be held Saturday evening...the annual Talent Contests, for both adults and Juniors (ages 5-14), followed by a Youth Party.

Sunday morning will begin with a Worship Service held at a local church followed by exhibits and workshops. The Public Speaking and Sign-A-Song contests will be held at 1:30 and the day will end with the annual "All Granger Banquet" where numerous awards will be given out.

Monday will continue the business of the Grange and discussions on resolutions with election of all of the PA State Grange officers just before lunch. The announcement of the newly elected officers will be followed by installation of officers at 1:30, following any other business.

The PA State Grange is proud to welcome AT&T, Karasik & Carrio and Gunn Mowery as sponsors of various portions of this year's State Session.

Monday, September 27, 2010

First Ever Pomona Grange Summit

The PA State Grange in conjunction with London Grange #1492 in Mercer County, hosted the first ever National Grange Pomona Grange Summit this past weekend, September 24-26. We had 41 attendees from Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania plus Ed and Celia Luttrell (National Grange President and First Lady) from Oregon and Rusty Hunt (National Grange Membership/Leadership Director) from the state of Washington.

The entire Summit was held at London Grange #1492 and their members provided lunch and supper for everyone on Saturday. Workshops began at 6:00 p.m. Friday evening and were completed by 9:00 p.m. Saturday evening, followed by an ice cream social at a nearby restaurant.

The Summit included a review of "Chapter 7, Code of the Pomona Grange" of the "National Digest of Laws," followed by workshops on "Purpose of Pomona," "Pomona Survey Analysis," "Communication," "The Legislative Body of the Order," and "Strengthen and Aid the Community Grange."

Workshops were presented by Rusty Hunt, Ed Luttrell, Charlene Shupp-Espenshade (National Grange Youth/Junior Director) and Chris Szkutak (National Grange Youth Mentor).

The entire Summit was a huge success and all attendees took a lot of information back to their home State, Pomona and Community Granges.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Final 2010 PA State Grange Family Picnic

The third and final 2010 PA State Grange Family Picnic was held Sunday, August 29, 2010 at the Williams Grove Historical Steam Engine Association Show at Williams Grove Park in Mechanicsburg, Cumberland County, PA. More than 25 Grange members from the south central area of Pennsylvania attended for good food, games and fellowship.

The festivities began shortly after Noon with a Blessing, followed with lots of great "covered dish" food. After the meal, Lizzie Bailey and Cindi Shaffer from Cumberland Valley Grange #2105 brought games and prizes along for both young and old.

The steam Engine Association provided a pavilion at no cost to the Grange in the hopes of making this an annual affair, similar to the Great Granger Picnics held at the park in the late 1800's.

Monday, August 23, 2010

2010 Ag Progress Days

Well the 2010 Ag Progress Days was a huge success for the PA State Grange! In three days we gave out over 1,000 "koozie" foam can coolers and 500+ balsa wood gliders! And with every can cooler, a Membership brochure was inside. So we know that we "got the Grange Word" out to many, many people in a very short time period.

Thanks very much to Lorena Baughman, Mike and Jennifer Adams and Sherri and Jenna Sattazahn who helped us out in the booth. Also thanks to the Centre County Corps who helped Melanie and Merle with the Family Activity quilt raffles and cookbook sales.

We are looking forward to seeing a lot of PA Grangers at this coming Sunday's PA State Grange Family Picnic at the Williams Grove Steam Engine Show. Picnic begins at noon. Bring a covered dish to share, your own place settings and something to drink.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Madison Grange #2107 Receives National Charter

PA State Grange President Betsy Huber presented the National Charter to Bob Stair, newly elected President of the new Madison Grange #2107 in Columbia County, PA. They held their meeting at the edge of the woods above Bob's mother's farmhouse. They normally meet the second Sunday of the month at 2:00 p.m. in the Phillips' barn at 10 Phillips Road, Bloomsburg, PA.

President: Bob Stair
Program Director: Ruby Crane
Secretary: Diane Crane
Treasurer: Jewel Sullivan

Madison Grange #2107 organized June 13, 2010 with 13 charter members.

They have already begun a flower bulb fund raiser. Their next meeting will be held at Lake Tobias Wildlife Park on Sunday, September 12, 2010. They are planning to begin a Small Game Hunter Breakfast that they will serve on the morning of opening day of small game season in Pennsylvania.

For more information about Madison Grange #2107, contact Bob Stair at 570-204-0944.

Monday, August 2, 2010

August Grange Events

August is a fun month for the PA State Grange. We have three major events this month, two Family Picnics and Ag Progress Days.

The first PA State Grange Family Picnic for August will be held Sunday, August 15, 2010 at Knoebels Amusement Park, 391 Knoebels Blvd., Elysburg, PA 17824. The picnic begins at noon in Pavillion "T". This is a covered dish picnic so bring plenty of food to share with fellow Grangers. Knoebels Park is a "pay as you ride" park, so you can tour the park for free or ride all the rides you want and pay as you go.

Next on the calendar will be Ag Progress Days. Ag Progress Days (APD), is Pennsylvania's largest outdoor agricultural exposition and is always held during three days in August (17, 18 & 19th this year). Sponsored by Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences, the event is held at the Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center at Rock Springs, nine miles southwest of State College on Pa. Route 45. As usual, the PA State Grange will have an informational booth set up in the front of the Ag Choice Building at Main & W. 6th Street on the grounds. Stop in and see us and tell us you saw this on our blog and receive a free gift!

The second PA State Grange Family Picnic of August will be held on Sunday the 29th at the Williams Grove Steam Show, outside Mechanicsburg, PA. This picnic will also begin at noon and will be a covered dish affair. As you can see in the picture from last month's Family Picnic at Conneaut Lake Park, Grangers always eat well! We hope to see Grangers from far and wide at the picnic!

So don't miss the chance to stop in at one of the events this month.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

2010-2011 PA State Grange Young Couple Named

The 7th annual PA State Grange Family Festival held at the Centre County Grange Fairgrounds July 15-18 was the setting for the announcement of the new 2010-2011 PA State Grange Young Couple. Saturday evening, Barb and Derek Schroeder from Hamburg, Berks County were named the new 2010-2011 PA State Grange Young Couple.

Derek works for the Kutztown Area School District and is a member of Virginville Grange #1832. Barb is working to be a stay-at-home mom, awaiting their son, Jacob's birth in mid-August. She is a member of the Hamburg Grange #2103.

The Schroeders will work hand-in-hand with the PA State Grange Junior Princess and Prince, Jenna Sattazahn and Daniel Pratt, as well as the Youth Ambassadors, Jennifer Adams and Patrick Wadsworth, to promote the Grange and its many programs throughout the Commonwealth. They will attend events such as Ag Progress Days, PA State Grange Session, PA Farm Show and next year's National Grange Convention, in addition to many local, community Granges and fairs throughout the state.

Monday, July 12, 2010

2010-2011 PA State Grange Junior Princess and Prince Named

The new 2010-2011 PA State Grange Junior Princess and Prince are Jenna Satttazahn and Daniel Pratt.

They were named at the Junior Grange Camp Coronation on Friday, July 9, 2010 held at Camp Sylvan Hills, Howard, PA.

Jenna is from Womelsdorf and will be in the 9th grade at Conrad Weiser Middle School. She is a member of Marion Junior Grange #344 in Berks County.

Daniel is from Polk in Venango County where he will be going into the 10th grade at Franklin Area High School. Daniel is a member of the PA State Junior Grange.

Jenna and Daniel competed against six other campers for the positions of Junior Princess and Prince. The competition consists of a written Grange Knowledge test, an Impromptu Question before the entire camp and other judging throughout the camp week.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

2010-2011 PA State Grange Youth Ambassadors Named

Jennifer Adams and Patrick Wadsworth have been named the 2010-2011 PA State Grange Youth Ambassadors.

Jennifer is a member of Hamburg Grange #2103 in Berks County and Patrick is a member of Goshen Grange #121 in Chester County.

They were chosen through a judged competition with other Youth at this weekend's Youth Retreat held at Camp Sylvan Hills, Howard, Centre County, PA.

Friday, July 2, 2010

PA State Grange July Events

Today was the beginning of many July events for the PA State Grange.

Our Youth Retreat started today at Camp Sylvan Hills outside Howard, PA. The Retreat goes through Sunday with our new Youth Ambassadors being named Saturday night.

Then, Sunday is the start of our Junior Grange Camp which will also be held at Camp Sylvan Hills. Some of our Youth will stay on as counselors for Junior Camp. Thursday morning will be the group photo taken at Bald Eagle State Park. Then Friday night, the new Junior Prince and Princess will be named in a special coronation ceremony. Camp ends on Saturday, the 10th.

Then, the following week, our annual PA State Grange Family Festival runs from Thursday, July 15 thru Sunday the 18th and will be held at the Centre County Grange Fairgrounds in Centre Hall, PA. This is always a special long-weekend for Grangers and their friends.

The PA State Grange Young Adult/Young Marrieds weekend will be held in conjunction with the Family Festival. The new Young Couple will be named Saturday night during the Festival.

This year we will have a special guest...Pete Pompper, National Grange Lecturer and Master of the New Jersey State Grange, will join us for the Festival. If you haven't registered yet, do so immediately. The registration form is available on the web site at We hope to see you there!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

PA State Grange Awards More Than $10,000 in Scholarships

Lemoyne - The PA State Grange has announced their 2010 scholarship winners.

Brett Sattazahn, a member of Marion Grange #1853 in Berks County, is the recipient of this year's $1504 Grange Scholarship Endowment at the Pennsylvania State University and a $500 Leonard Rhone Scholarship. Brett, of Womelsdorf, is the son of Kevin and Sherri Sattazahn. He is a 2009 graduate of Conrad Weiser High School and is entering his sophomore year at Penn State where he is majoring in Environmental Resource Management with a minor in Soils Option in the College of Agriculture.

Jennifer Nauss of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland County, received the Leonard Rhone Scholarship of $500, the $500 PA State Grange Foundation Scholarship as well as a $1000 Santee Student Loan. She is the daughter of Brad and Anna May Nauss and is a member of Valley Grange #1360 in York County and the Penn State Grange #2105 in Centre County. Jennifer is a 2007 graduate of Mechanicsburg Area High School and is entering her senior year at Penn State where she is majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders with a minor in Human Development and Family Studies Special Education.

Philip Vonada from Spring Mills received a $500 PA State Grange Foundation Scholarship as well as a $500 Santee Student Loan. Philip is the son of Dale and Ruth Vonada of Spring Mills, Centre County and is a member of Penns Valley Grange #158. He is majoring in Speech Communication (Theatre) with a minor in English at Millersville University where he will be a junior in the fall.

Receiving $1000 Santee Student loans were Hannah Pratt and Andrew Nauss.

Hannah, daughter of Michael and Janet Pratt from Polk, Venango County, recently graduated from Franklin Area High School. She will be a freshman at Messiah College where she plans to major in Christian Ministries with a minor in Music. Hannah is a member of Wesley Grange #1675 in Venango County.

Andrew is from Mechanicsburg, Cumberland County and is the son of Brad and Anna May Nauss. He just graduated from Mechanicsburg Area High School and will be majoring in Pre-Physical Therapy at the University of Pittsburgh in the fall. Andrew is a member of Valley Grange #1360 in York County.

Receiving $500 Santee Student loans were James Hawn, Tyler Peffer, Carl Rudy, Jennifer Rudy, Heather Smith, Tyler Snyder and Brandi Turner.

James Hawn is the son of William and Lisa Hawn of Petersburg, Huntingdon County. He is a member of Baileyville Grange #1991 in Centre County and is attending Penn State for a 2-year certification program in Agricultural Equipment Technician. He graduated from Juniata Valley High School in 2009.

Tyler Peffer is the son of Barry and Anita Peffer from Volant, Lawrence County. He is a member of Plain Grove Grange #1431 and graduated from Wilmington Area High School in 2009. Tyler is entering his sophomore year at California University of PA where he is majoring in Graphic Design with a minor in Marketing.

Carl Rudy is from Halifax, Dauphin County. His parents are Frederick and Linda Rudy. He graduated from Halifax Area High School in 2007 and is attending Penn State, Harrisburg where he is majoring in Mechanical Engineering Technology. Carl is a member of Community Grange #2048 in Dauphin County.

Jennifer Rudy is also from Halifax, Dauphin County and is the daughter of Frederick and Linda Rudy. She graduated from Halifax Area High School in 2006 and is attending Harrisburg Area Community College where she is majoring in Elementary Education with a minor in Special Education. Jennifer is a member of Community Grange #2048 in Dauphin County.

Heather Smith is the daughter of Carol Smith and hails from Galeton, Potter County. She is a 2004 graduate of Galeton Area High School and is majoring in History with a minor in Women's Studies at Mansfield University. Heather is a member of Carter Camp Grange #1563 in Potter County.

Tyler Snyder just graduated from Boiling Springs High School. He is the son of James and Sue Snyder of Boiling Springs, Cumberland County. Tyler will be beginning his freshman year in the fall at Temple University where he plans to major in Sports Management with a minor in Business. Tyler is a member of Valley Grange #1360 in York County.

Brandi Turner lives in Morrisdale, Clearfield County, with her parents Darrell and Janet Turner. She recently graduated from West Branch High School and will be attending Lock Haven University, Clearfield Campus in the fall where she plans to major in Healthcare. Brandi is a member of Center Hill Grange #885 in Clearfield County.

The Grange Foundation Scholarship was established by delegate action in 1996. Candidates must be Fourth Degree Grange members who seek higher education in any field at any institution of higher learning.

The Leonard Rhone Scholarship Fund was initiated in memory of Leonard Rhone, third Master of the PA State Grange. It is available to Grange members pursuing a four-year degree in Agriculture or Human Development and Family Services at Penn State University.

The Grange Scholarship Endowment at the Pennsylvania State University provides recognition to outstanding undergraduate students enrolled in at least their sophomore year at any College or campus of the Pennsylvania State University.

The Santee Student Loan fund was established by the late Ellis M. Santee, a country doctor from Shickshinny and an active Grange member. This loan is interest-free and is available to Grange members and their children.

The Grange is the oldest family fraternal, agricultural and rural advocacy organization of its kind in the country. The Grange is dedicated to the betterment of rural America through community service, education, legislation and fellowship.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Susquehanna Community Grange #2106 Receives National Charter

Curwensville - The Monday, June 21, 2010 meeting of the newly formed Susquehanna Community Grange #2106 was time for celebration!

PA State Grange President and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the National Grange, Betsy Huber, presented the National Charter to Peggy Redden, President of the Susquehanna Community Grange #2106. Also present for the presentation were Carl Meiss, PA State Grange Membership/Public Relations Director and Lorena Baughman, PA State Grange Deputy from Blair County. Baughman assisted Meiss in the opening of the new Grange on April 13, 2010.

The new Grange already has big plans. This Sunday, June 27, 2010, they are holding a spaghetti dinner fundraiser at the Curwensville Community Center. Funds raised from that dinner will be used to assist a Grange family from Cambria County in financial distress due to medical problems.

On August 28 & 29, Susquehanna Community Grange #2106 is planning to sponsor a Gun and Outdoor show and sale at the Community Center. For additional information or to reserve a vendor space, call 814-236-0886.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

2010 PA Grange Royalty Tour

Tuesday, June 15, 2010 was the annual PA State Grange Royalty Tour. This year's Royalty is: Junior Prince and Princess, Zech Houser (Centre County) and Jennifer Reed (Susquehanna County); Youth Ambassadors Jennifer Nauss (Cumberland County) and Michael Snyder (Cumberland County), and; Young Couple, Dustin and Julie Kunkle (Berks County).

The tour began with a light breakfast at the PA State Grange Headquarters in Lemoyne. They proceeded to the Governor's Mansion for a tour before heading to the capitol in Harrisburg where they were first introduced on the floor of the House of Representatives. They then lunched in the capitol cafeteria and headed to the Senate chambers where they were introduced by their individual Senators. While waiting for a tour of the capitol to begin, Sen. Mike Brubaker, Chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, took the group onto the floor of the Senate for pictures. After a tour of the capitol, the Royalty spent the rest of the day at HersheyPark.

[Photo of Royalty along with Junior Director, Karen Mohn and Youth Director Martha Ebersole with Sen. Mike Brubaker]

Monday, June 14, 2010

PA State Grange Opens Second New Grange in 2 Months

On April 13, 2010, Susquehanna Community Grange #2106 was organized in Clearfield County, PA. On June 13, 2010, Madison Grange #2107 was organized in Columbia County, PA!

The organizational meeting for the newly formed Madison Grange #2107 was held at 2:00 p.m. Sunday, June 13, 2010 in the Phillips' barn at 10 Phillips Road, Bloomsburg, PA 17815. 13 people signed the charter application as Charter Members and were "Welcomed" into the Grange by Carl Meiss, PA State Grange Membership/Public Relations Director, after opening the Bible and saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

The charter members first order of business was to vote on a name for their new Grange and they chose "Madison Grange" because they are located in Madison Township in Columbia County. The "# 2107" is the number assigned to the new Grange by the PA State Grange office (Granges are numbered consecutively as they are chartered), so this is the 2107th Grange to have been chartered in Pennsylvania since Eagle Grange #1 was organized in 1871. Today there are still approximately 260 Community Granges in the Commonwealth.

The following officers were elected: Robert Stair, Master/President; Ruby Crane, Lecturer/Program Director; Diane Crane, Secretary, and; Jewel Sullivan, Treasurer. Madison Grange #2107 will meet the 2nd Sunday of each month at 2:00 p.m. in the Phillips' barn at 10 Phillips Rd., Bloomsburg, PA 17815. The remaining 9 officers will be elected at their July meeting.

Madison Grange #2107 joins four other Community Granges located in Columbia County: Light Street Grange #31; Valley Grange #52; Briar Creek Grange #146, and; Roaring Creek Valley Grange #2041.

[Photo of 13 Charter Members of Madison Grange #2107]

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Grange Work

PA and MD State Granges worked together on Wednesday, May 26, 2010 to "Grow the Grange" in both states.

PA State Grange Membership Director Carl Meiss and State Deputy Lorena Baughman met with an individual at the Hyndman #1954 Grange hall south of Hyndman, Bedford County to discuss re-organizing the Hyndman Grange. Carl provided this individual with brochures and flyers promoting the Grange and expects a call within a week or two to go back out to host a re-organization meeting.

Later in the afternoon, Meiss and Baughman headed south into Maryland and scouted the area of Flintstone, MD and the surrounding countryside. An individual from Flintstone had contacted the National Grange office about the possibility of doing something to get a community center in the Flintstone area.

At 4:00 p.m. Meiss and Baughman met with Nancy Wolfe (MD State Grange co-membership director) and Alton Hoopengardner, Master of nearby Hancock Grange, along with the interested individual and his wife at the LaVale Library. Meiss explained the history of the Grange and what the Grange is today and what it can do for a community. After numerous questions and answers, the individuals left the 2 hour meeting with as much Grange information as they could carry and comprehend, with the intention of going back to the Flintstone area to recruit others in their quest.

There is a very high probability that both Maryland and Pennsylvania could "Grow the Grange" in these areas in the near future.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New York State Grange Offering First Five Degrees

The New York State Grange is offering the First Five Degrees on Saturday, May 22, 2010 at Bath Grange Hall, Bath, N.Y. This is open to any Grangers from New York or Pennsylvania. (See above attached JPG of the notice).

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Truth about PA DOT Farm Equipment Regulations

If you want the absolute truth on the newly revised Farm Equipment Regulations of the PA DOT Highway Safety Regulations, check out this video of Sgt. Robert Krol, Pennsylvania State Police and Motor Carrier Safety Regulations Manager Kevin Stewart, as they explain the federally mandated changes to Grange members on Tuesday, May 4, 2010.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Grange Pie Day

Yesterday's PA State Grange Legislative Day and "Pie Day" at the Pennsylvania Capitol was a huge success. The day begin with about 55 Grange members from across the Commonwealth at the Radisson with Pennsylvania State Police Sgt. Robert Krol and Motor Carrier Safety Regulations Manager Kevin Stewart explaining the federally mandated changes to PA DOT Highway Regulations as they pertain to agricultural equipment. John Barley from Versant Strategies then updated the attendees on some of the legislative items of importance. After lunch, the members boarded a bus for the capitol in Harrisburg where they took pies, cookies and other "home-baked" items to their legislators to promote SB828 which was introduced by Sen. Vogel and would allow non-profit and fraternal organizations to sell "home-baked" items, not made in a "certified" kitchen, to be sold in conjunction with fundraisers. Grange members had the opportunity to stop in at their Senator and Representative's offices to introduce themselves and the Grange as well as ask for their support on SB828. A press conference was held in the capitol rotunda (see video @ SB 828 had already passed the Senate and passed in the House yesterday by a 189-0 vote with amendments.
It was a very successful day for Grange members.
(photo of Grange members assembled on the capitol rotunda steps after the press conference)

Monday, May 3, 2010

2010 May/June Advocate

The 2010 May/June issue of The Advocate (The Grange Advocate for Rural Pennsylvania) is on line at

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

PA State Grange Legislative Day 2010

Grange Legislative Day 2010

May 4, 2010 is the date for the upcoming PA State Grange Legislative Day. Events will kick off at 10:30 a.m. at the Radisson Penn Harris in Camp Hill, PA.

John Barley from Versant Strategies, the Grange's lobbying group, will speak to the attendees first about legislative updates. Mr. Barley will also give the Grangers tips on talking to their legislators about issues.

Sgt. Robert Krol from the Pennsylvania State Police will then give a presentation to update everyone on the new PADOT trucking regulations as they affect agriculture.

A Proclamation from Governor Ed Rendell proclaiming April as Grange Month in the Commonwealth will be presented to PA State Grange President Betsy Huber as well as House Resolution 699 which also proclaimed April as Grange Month in Pennsylvania, sponsored by Rep. Sue Helm of Dauphin County.

After lunch, a bus will then be awaiting the attendees to transport them to the Capitol for a tour and an opportunity for the Grangers to stop in at their respective legislators' offices to talk to them about some of the major legislative policy issues of the PA State Grange as well as their local Granges. The four most prominent PA State Grange legislative issues for 2010 are: Tolling of Interstate Route 80 (opposed); Dairy Pricing (reform needed to help farmers make a profit); Marcellus Shale, and; Continued Funding for the PA Department of Agriculture.

After meeting with their legislators, Senator Elder Vogel (R-47) will address attendees in the capitol rotunda on Senate Bill No. 828, a bill he has introduced which would exempt non-profit and volunteer organizations (such as the Grange) from strict food safety standards for selling home-baked goods, providing they are not potentially hazardous foods such as foods that contain ingredients that support a rapid growth of microorganisms AND that consumers are informed that such food has been prepared in a private home which is not licensed or inspected by PDA.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Pennsylvania Has Another New Grange!

Tuesday evening, April 13, 2010 saw 16 charter members sign the charter application for the newly formed Susquehanna Community Grange #2106 in Curwensville, Clearfield County. They took their name partly from a previous Grange, "Susquehanna Grange #1145" that had been located in Curwensville for 100 years but closed in 1996.

Their first order of business was to vote on a name for the new Grange. Next, they elected four new officers as follows:

Peggy Redden from Curwensville was elected as their first Master/President.

Christine "Tina" Kephart, also from Curwensville was elected to the office of Lecturer/Program Director.

Brandi Lynn from Clearfield was elected as their new Secretary and Eva Jean Komonczi from Curwensville was elected as Treasurer.

The Susquehanna Community Grange #2106 will meet the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Curwensville Community Center, 11 Stadium Drive, Curwensville, PA 16833. They are already planning an auction in the near future for their first fundraiser. The public is invited to attend any of their meetings.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Rededication of the National Grange Building in Washington, DC

Have you ever wanted to be part of an historic event where you will have the opportunity to help Grange members from throughout this Country? Don’t you want to be one of the select few to wear and own a Building Ambassador shirt? Would you like the opportunity to work side by side with a National Grange Officer or member of the Assembly of Demeter? we have a deal for you. On June 26th the National Grange will be rededicating your building at 1616 H St. NW in Washington, DC. And we need your help as Building Ambassadors. When the building was first dedicated in June, 1960 the Youth from all over the country acted as Tour Guides. We want to now give you this chance because we believe you, the Youth Grangers of today, will do a great job.
It will give you not only the opportunity to interact with other Youth but also with Grange members from all across the country. You will be working alongside National Grange Officers and members of the Assembly of Demeter as we welcome our guests. You will be working with members of the National Grange Staff explaining the importance of the various rooms and offices within the building. As a Building Ambassador you will get a unique perspective of the National Grange building very few members will ever get.
This will be a very unique and once-in-a lifetime chance to be part of the history of the Grange. All that you do will be recorded for future generations of Grangers to read about. If you would like to be part of the Building Ambassador team, please contact Charlene Shupp-Espenshade, National Youth Director at for rooming/meal and tour package costs or Pete Pompper, National Grange Lecturer at if you have any questions about the tours or rededication ceremony.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

2010 Scholarship Applications Due May 1

May 1st is the general deadline for scholarship and grant applications through the PA State Grange.
Both the Scholarship Brochure and the Application forms can be downloaded from the website at or obtained by writing to the PA State Grange, 20 Erford Rd., Suite 216, Lemoyne, PA 17043 or calling at 800-552-3865.
The various funds include the PA State Grange Scholarship, Deaf Interpreter Scholarship, Leonard Rhone Scholarship Fund, and the Santee Student Loan Fund.
The PA Grange Foundation Scholarship was established by delegate action in 1996. Candidates must be Fourth Degree Grange members in good standing for at least one year prior to applying. They must seek higher education in any field at any institution of higher learning and be in need of financial assistance. Eligible applicants shall be entering their junior or senior year in college and may not receive the scholarship more than twice. The scholarship is a grant of $500 or $1000 with no repayment required. More than one grant may be awarded per year.
The Deaf Interpreter Scholarship is a $250 grant which shall be awarded to a student enrolled in a credible program leading to certification as a qualified interpreter for the deaf.
The Leonard Rhone Scholarship Fund was initiated in memory of Leonard Rhone, third Master of the Pennsylvania State Grange. Awarded once each year, it is a $300 grant. To be eligible, a student must pursue a four-year study in agriculture or home economics (a.k.a. Human Development and Family Services) at Penn State University. The student recipient must be a Grange member in good standing and be endorsed by the Master of his or her Subordinate Grange and Pomona Grange.
The Santee Student Loan Fund was established by the late Ellis M. Santee, a country doctor from Shickshinny and an active Grange member. This loan consists of a $500 or $1000 per year loan, interest free, to Grange members or their children. All loans are given on the basis of a written "repayment" promise. All loans must be repaid within three years of graduation or leaving school. Students receiving this loan can reapply each year they are enrolled as a full-time student, with a maximum of four loans to any one individual.
For all of these listed scholarships and loans, the deadline to apply is May 1. The Santee Loan Fund can also be applied for the spring term and that deadline is September 1.
An additional Scholarship is through The Grange Scholarship Endowment at the Pennsylvania State University. This fund shall provide recognition to outstanding undergraduate students enrolled in at least their sophomore year at any College or campus of the Pennsylvania State University who have demonstrated need for funds to meet their necessary college expenses. The Endowment provides for an annual scholarship of at least $1750. This is available to Grange members in good standing who are enrolled in at least their sophomore year, who have achieved superior academic records, and who have demonstrated financial need. Nominations shall be solicited from the PA State Grange Scholarship Committee which is the sole method of identifying students who are Grange members.
So get your applications in soon. The May 1 deadline is rapidly approaching! Don't miss out on this great opportunity!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

National & State Grange Presidents' Media Tour

National Grange President to Visit Three Pennsylvania Granges to Address National and Local Issues
Pennsylvania State Grange President to Speak on Regional Issues

• Monday, March 29, 2010 @ 4:00 p.m.
Kutztown Grange #1836
Kemp & James Alley, Kutztown, PA
• Tuesday, March 30, 2010 @ 4:00 p.m.
Eagle Grange #1
Rt. 15 & E. Blind Rd., Montgomery, PA
• Wednesday, March 31, 2010 @ 4:00 p.m.
Mt. Nebo Grange #1872
125 McAleer Rd., Sewickly, PA

• The National Grange recently commended the FCC for providing broadband coverage to rural areas.
• National Grange President Ed Luttrell will address three main issues facing the National Grange today:
Grange Growth and Communications
Grange Name Protection
• PA State Grange President Betsy Huber will speak on three regional issues:
Kutztown Grange #1836: Dairy Farmers
Eagle Grange #1: Opposition to Tolling Interstate 80
Mt. Nebo Grange #1872: Marcellus Shale
• The National Grange, founded in 1867 to help Civil War ravaged farmers recover, has today evolved to being our nation’s leading rural advocacy organization, a major benefactor to local communities and, in many instances, the local social center.
• The National Grange has over 200,000 members in 2,700 communities spread over 40 states and supports farmers, ranchers, teachers, law enforcement officials, local business people and other rural leaders. The PA State Grange has over 10,000 members in 270 Community Granges throughout the Commonwealth.
• While the National and PA State Grange still supports agricultural issues, they also focus on policy issues that aim to improve education, healthcare, rural infrastructure, environmental conservation, food safety, rural safety, and equal telecommunications access. .

Ed Luttrell, National Grange President
Betsy Huber, PA State Grange President
Members of PA Granges will be on hand to participate in interviews.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

ECM Summit

NOTICE: The ECM Summit originally scheduled for February 5-6, 2010 at Harmony Grange, Delaware has been re-scheduled to March 12-13, 2010. Agenda remains the same. Please let everyone know of the change and invite anyone interested. Cost is $20.00. For info, call the State Grange Office @ 1-800-552-3865.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Passing of Helen Paden Scott, wife of John Scott

Helen Paden Scott, wife of John Scott, past National and PA State Grange Master, passed away late Thursday night.

Visitation will be Sunday, January 31, 2010 from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. at the Marshall Funeral Home, 341 Main St, Wampum, PA 16157. Funeral service will be at the funeral home Monday, February 1, 2010 at 10:00 a.m.

Condolences may be sent to John Scott, 5213 Terrace Road, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050.

"Well done good and faithful servant..."

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

PA State Grange at 2010 PA Farm Show

Come visit the PA State Grange booth at this year's 94th annual PA Farm Show, January 9-16, 2010 at the Farm Show Complex, N. Cameron & Maclay Streets, Harrisburg, PA. The show runs daily from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. except for the final Saturday, the 16th when it ends at 5:00 p.m.

The PA State Grange booth will be located in the Main Hall (just off Maclay Street) along the north wall. (If you walk in the Maclay Street entrance, go past the butter sculpture all the way to the first wall and turn right, we will be on your left along the wall). Stop by and say you saw our blog and receive a special "gift" from the Grange.

The PA Farm Show complex is the largest indoor complex of its kind in North America with about 25 acres indoors, nearly 6,000 animal entries, 10,000 competitive exhibits and 270 commercial exhibitors, offering more than $560,000 in prize money. This year, the PA Department of Agriculture is predicting that between 400,000 and 500,000 people will visit the show during the eight days! Admission is FREE (parking is $10/car)

The Grange is a family fraternal organization dedicated to the betterment of rural living through community service, education, legislation, and fellowship. It is the oldest agricultural and rural advocacy organization in the country.